On Thursday, October 10th Kim Gagne, Producer, Entrepreneur, Speaker and now Author celebrated the launch of their book, How To Win, My Life In Television. Friends, Family and Well Wishers attended the event.
The Two -Time National Daytime Emmy Winner was given a proclamation of achievement by city council member, Michael Kubosh. Representative Oscar McGarr did the honors.

Gagne’ finished the book after more than a year of writing. “What started out as a self -help book for women considering TV as a career, turned into a memoir with me telling all my business.” says Gagne with a laugh. She credits her editor, Stephanie Palmer, with keeping her going when she wanted to quit. “Stephanie literally, prayed with me, encouraged me and pushed me to finish this book. It was a labor of love. The book was my husband’s idea but now that its done, I’m happy with how it turned out.
The books are available on Amazon but Gagne encourages everyone to order at www.howtowinbook.org for a sweet deal.